On Sat, Nov 06, 2004 at 07:17:29PM +0000, Simon Riggs wrote:
> > > Once you have brought up a database in timeline N+1, you can't use it as
> > > the base to recover to a point in timeline N because the data file
> > > contents cannot be trusted to be identical to the way they were in
> > > timeline N.

> > You mean "in timeline N ... to a point in timeline N+1", don't you?

> Specifically not. The point is: you can't go back in time. Recovery is a
> rollforward operation, so you must start at an earlier point and
> rollforwards from there.

Ok, that seems to be pretty intuitive. But could one extend the recovery
mechanism such that one can go from PIT t_0 to PIT t_1 with t_1 > t_0
without re-restoring the original backup?


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