Neil Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Why not just disable warnings for just the flex-generated files?

Because it's a pain in the neck to do so; it'll require klugery in half
a dozen different Makefiles.  (I don't see any easy way to make the
change apply only to the flex files, and not to the other .c files in
the same subdirectories, either.)  If I thought the old-style-definition
warning was actually useful, then I'd be up for that, but I don't find
it worth the trouble.  We can run a build every so often with it turned
on just to see if any old-style defs have snuck in, but we don't need
to have it on as a regular thing.  IMHO anyway.

>> IIRC we have found worse problems than just warnings with 2.5.31.

> Do you think these problems are sufficiently bad that we need to declare
> 2.5.31 unsupported?

We have.  You'll notice that releases are still made with 2.5.4.  You
can probably find something about this in the archives.

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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