On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 17:15 +1300, Dru wrote:
> Ok rules out that possibility also.  Is there any stress testing 
> software for postgresql to find out how and when it breaks?

Try contrib/pgbench.

> The website uses php,
> the problem could be in the wrapper code for PHP though. I havnt
> got much luck asking php developers about the problem though.

pgbench uses libpq (i.e. the native C client interface to PostgreSQL) --
if you encounter connection failures using it, that will narrow down the
set of possible culprits. Since you don't get an error message in the
PostgreSQL logs when a connection is refused, it seems that the
connection attempt doesn't even make it as far as the postmaster, so I
would be skeptical of the software between the client and the backend
(e.g. PHP, perhaps some kernel/TCP weirdness, etc.).


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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