> I think the idea of rewriting PL/PgSQL from scratch has merit (and it's 
> something that I think would be well worth doing). IMHO it's not really 
> worth the trouble to fork the existing code base and add new features to 
> something that, hopefully, has a limited life span.

I dunno, I kind of like the idea.

There's always going to be the age old conflict between people who are
basically users like me, and want to see a needed feature asap, and
developers who want to see it done right. And of course doing it right
is only way to go long term.

But so long as I can be fairly sure the syntax is agreed (EXECUTE SELECT
INTO ... in this case) and eventually will make it into the main code
base, I'd be willing to live on the edge for a while.

There'd have to be big 'experimental, everything may change' warnings
all over the contrib version. My only concern is if it would actually
delay the discussed rewrite of plpgsql by splitting the effort.

That's my two one hundreths of a euro, anyway.


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