Hmm.  This error is not coming from "a line of the copy", it is occurring
because the COPY command itself fails, and so the server never tells
psql to shift into COPY mode.  I'm not sure that a reasonable fix for
this is possible.  As a counterexample, if you misspelled COPY as COPZ,
would you expect the software to decide that following lines up to
\. should be ignored?  If you manually misentered a COPY command and got
an error, would you be surprised to have psql ignore everything you
typed until you typed \. ?  (I can bet we'd get bug reports about that.)

Hmmm...doesn't stop it being annoying, however.

I presumed I was replicating the same problem I get when running SQL scripts that insert a few million rows. Basically I start it running, then maybe some command before the COPY fails, then it gets to the COPY anyway and start barfing millions of lines. Then I have to change my terminal settings to record heaps of lines and then try to ctrl-C the query before it scrolls too far off, just to find out the line that caused the error.

I guess the kind of difference in this case to me is that it's in a transaction, and the only "error" that the COPY command causes is that it's runnning in a rolled-back transaction.

Low tech I know...but it's kind of annoying :)


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