Peter Eisentraut wrote:

Andrew Dunstan wrote:

If you have something missing from here I'm especially interested in
hearing from you.

I think "Linux" entries are quite useless. We need to know what distribution (and version) it is. The kernel is actually a pretty uninteresting part of the porting process.

I would very much welcome your input and that of other major developers on a) how we classify farm members, b) what steps should be run for a farm test, and c) what information would be useful from a build run.

Unfortunately I got hit with some unexpected issues about a month ago that have restricted my available time rather.

So far I have been concentrating on getting the clients working robustly - Windows and Cygwin have been something of a challenge, as expected. The server side is extremely simple - crude even. The database is as just 2 tables like this:

pgbuildfarm=# \d buildsystems

    Table "public.buildsystems"

Column | Type | Modifiers


name             | text | not null

secret           | text | not null

operating_system | text | not null

os_version       | text | not null

compiler         | text | not null

compiler_version | text | not null

architecture     | text | not null

status           | text | not null

sys_owner        | text | not null

owner_email      | text | not null


   "buildsystems_pkey" primary key, btree (name)

pgbuildfarm=# \d build_status

                  Table "public.build_status"

Column | Type | Modifiers


sysname               | text                        | not null

snapshot              | timestamp without time zone | not null

status | integer |

stage | text |

log | text |

conf_sum | text |

branch | text |

changed_this_run | text |

changed_since_success | text |


   "build_status_pkey" primary key, btree (sysname, snapshot)

   "bs_branch_snapshot_idx" btree (branch, snapshot)

   "bs_sysname_branch_idx" btree (sysname, branch)

Foreign-key constraints:

   "bs_fk" FOREIGN KEY (sysname) REFERENCES buildsystems(name) ON UPDATE 

These were really more or less placeholders while I got things up and running.

Any constructive input is welcome. Anyone who would like to make the web site look spiffy rather than pedestrian would be especially welcome (it's done in perl + template toolkit).



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