
On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 19:15:23 -0500, Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> problems apparently with NaNs, infinities and negative zeros.

I am the owner of this baby. It is not an actual mainframe,
it is Hercules emulator running on AthlonXP 2500+ producing
20-25 MIPS of pure mainframe horsepower! On bootup Linux
reports 130 BogoMIPS and OS/390 reports 40 MIPS. We all
know that mainframe MIPS != mini MIPS. Anyways, a full
compile of PostgreSQL source takes about 300 minutes.
I run it overnight.

Hercules is a tested and proved emulator but I have a vague doubt
that it's IEEE FPU emulation may be slightly different from the 
real iron's one. Are there test suites to check if a linux's 
math functions confirm to the standards. I may need to run one 
of them first.

Also if the is something to do with the code I am more than willing
to help. Seems like nobody else has a mainframe handy for testing.
I will do what I can but bear in mind the compile time. In case anyone
wants to try it at home I will help to set it up, it is really easy once it
is up and running it is the same old Linux to you.

As for urgency of bugfixes for S390 platform I am not aware of 
anyone running PostgreSQL on IFL (integrated facility for Linux).
And I am not aware of anyone who would even consider this.
Mainframe users are all so scared by IBM FUD.

Nevertheless running PostgreSQL in iron is an important sales pitch
for me and Devrim. Imagine: "Of course it runs on mainframe" or 
"Save $2,573,000.00 in monthly software licence fees, use PostgreSQL!".

> see:
> http://www.pgbuildfarm.org/cgi-bin/show_log.pl?nm=fantail&dt=2004-12-06%2011:05:24

Meanwhile another fresh build completed with absolutely the same result:


Best regards,
Nicolai Tufar

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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