
I am seeing a reasonably reproducible performance boost after applying your patch (I'm not sure if that was one of the main objectives, but it certainly is nice).

I *was* seeing a noticeable decrease between 7.4.6 and 8.0.0RC1 running pgbench. However, after applying your patch, 8.0 is pretty much back to being the same.

Now I know pgbench is ..err... not always the most reliable for this sort of thing, so I am interested if this seems like a reasonable sort of thing to be noticing (and also if anyone else has noticed the decrement)?

(The attached brief results are for Linux x86, but I can see a similar performance decrement 7.4.6->8.0.0RC1 on FreeBSD 5.3 x86)


Simon Riggs wrote:

Hmm...must confess that my only plan is:
i) discover dynamic behaviour of bgwriter
ii) fix any bugs or wierdness as quickly as possible
iii) try to find a way to set the bgwriter defaults

P4 2.8Ghz 1G 1xSeagate Barracuda 40G
Linux 2.6.9 glibc 2.3.3 gcc 3.4.2
Postgresql 7.4.6 | 8.0.0RC1

Pgbench with scale factor = 200

Pg 7.4.6

clients transactions    tps
1               1000                    65.1
2               1000                    72.5
4               1000                    69.2
8               1000                    48.3

Pg 8.0.0RC1

clients transactions    tps             tps (new buff patch + settings)
1               1000                    55.8    70.9
2               1000                    68.3    77.9
4               1000                    38.4    62.8
8               1000                    29.4    38.1

(averages over 3 runs, database dropped and recreated after each set, with a 
checkpoint performed after each individual run)


Non default postgresql.conf parameters:

tcpip_socket = true [listen_addresses = "*"]
max_connections = 100
shared_buffers = 10000
wal_buffers = 1024      
checkpoint_segments = 10
effective_cache_size = 40000
random_page_cost = 0.8

bgwriter settings (used with patch only)

bgwriter_delay = 200  
bgwriter_percent = 2   
bgwriter_maxpages = 100  
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