Tom Lane wrote:
Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Any theories on how we screwed up?

I hesitate to suggest this, but maybe a cron job blindly copying data from point A to point B?

Not likely, but I'll check.

Offhand my bets would revolve around (a) multiple postmasters trying
to run the same PGDATA directory (we have interlocks to protect
against this, but I have no faith that they work against an
NFS-mounted data directory)

This might be possible I suppose. I know we have two init scripts. Perhaps there is an error in them that caused both postmasters to point to the same place when the server was rebooted. I'll look them over.

or (b) you somehow wiped a PGDATA directory and restored it from
backup tapes underneath a running postmaster.

This seems highly unlikely because our *nix admin would have had to deliberately do it, and I don't think he'd fail to tell me about something like that. But all the same, I'll ask him tomorrow.

Assuming the only real problem here is the control data (long shot, I know), and the actual database files and transaction logs are OK, is there any reasonable way to reconstruct the correct contol data? Or is that the point at which you use pg_resetxlog?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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