Goal: on a prduction server, to gradually shrink a table (no matter how large) back to < 10% free space without "noticeably" interrupting write access to it. ("noticeably" = without taking any exclusive locks for more than a few seconds at a time.)

I am thinking about making this if it proves to be not to difficult.

To accomplish this, tuples need to be moved into free space in the beginning of the table, and the table must be shrunk using ftruncate().

It seems that I could make these two changes:

(a) Modifying the VACUUM command to take an option that means "pack the free space map with the pages that occur earliest in
the table rather than the pages with the most free space."

(b) Create a command that will take an exclusive lock, scan a table backwards until it comes to a tuple that cannot be removed (i.e., a tuple that is not HEAPTUPLE_DEAD (see scan_heap() in src/backend/commands/vacuum.c)) or until some preset amount of time has elapsed, and then ftruncate() the table.

To use this system one would do this:

(1) VACUUM KEEP_EARLY_FREE_PAGES mybloatedtable; -- use item (a) discussed above
(2) UPDATE mybloatedtable SET foo = foo WHERE ctid > '(nnnnn, 0)'; -- move tuples in end of the table to the front.
(3) SHRINK TABLE mybloatedtable; -- use item (b) discussed above

Then repeat as many times as necessary to accomplish the desired shrinking.

In defense of the need for this tool: Although this is usually preventable by proper vacuuming and FSM configuration, often on the list I see people say that they have a "huge" multi-gigabyte table that is using up all their drive space, but they cannot afford the interruption that VACUUM FULL would entail. Also, certain maintenance operations (e.g., adding a column and populating it within a transaction) can double the on-disk size of a table, not to mention user error such as running an unconstrained UPDATE command inside a transaction and then rolling it back.

Comments? Am I missing some obvious way of accomplishing this goal? Is anyone working on something like this?

Paul Tillotson

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