Matthias Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> a) is the name uptime() OK?

Probably should use pg_uptime(), or something else starting with pg_.

> b) is the return-type 'Interval' OK?

It might be better to return the actual postmaster start time (as
timestamptz) and let the user do whatever arithmetic he wants.
With an interval, there's immediately a question of interpretation
--- what current timestamp did you use in the computation?
I'm not dead set on this, but it feels cleaner.

> c) does it make sense (... fit in the scheme?) to place the code here:
>      src/backend/utils/misc/uptime.c

No.  This sort of stuff should go into utils/adt/.  I'd be inclined to
drop the function into one of the existing timestamp-related files
rather than make a whole new file just for it.  Someplace near the
now() function would make sense, for instance.

> d) Can I piggy-back on 'BackendParameters' to get postmasters 
> start-time to the backends?

AFAICS you have no other choice.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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