On Sat, 2005-01-01 at 14:10 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
Korry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It seems you can’t trap every condition listed in errocodes-
> appendix.html; in particular, you can’t trap SUCCESSFUL_COMPLETION, any
> of the conditions listed in the WARNING category, or any of the
> conditions listed in the NO DATA category.  (At least through 8.0 rc1 -
> I haven't checked in later versions).

Those aren't errors.

Right.  Just trying to clarify the issue for the person that asked the question. 

The pl/pgSQL documentation (37.7.5) says:

> The condition names can be any of those shown in Appendix A.

As you say, not all of the conditions listed in Appendix A are error conditions.  Perhaps 37.7.5 should be changed to clarify?  Without looking at plerrcodes.h, you can't find a definitive list.

        -- Korry

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