>>>The error appears to be on line that uses NEAR and complains 
>about it 
>>>... I see that the MinGW windef.h defines NEAR as empty, while 
>>>the MSVC 
>>>windef.h defines it as "near". Don't know if that makes a difference.
>>Some reading up on MSDN gives this:
>>>From what I can tell, NEAR is defined to near, which is then 
>defined to
>>blank in my windef.h (from the platform SDK included in VS2003)
>>Could it be that we need to include windef.h explicitly, before we
>>include this one? Worth a try.
>I tried but it didn't work. However, I made some progress with 
>the section to look like this:
>#ifdef WIN32
>#include "win32.h"
>#ifndef _WIN32_IE
>#define _WIN32_IE 0x0400

I beleive his will break if _WIN32_IE is previously defined as something
<0x0400. Not sure if we build with a patform SDK with that old defaults
at all, but just to be sure it's probably better to #undef it and then
#define it.

>#ifdef near
>#undef near
>#define near
>#include <shlobj.h>


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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