Sorry for such a late submission.

I just downloaded the latest installer
for windows and it appears that Windows' printf() does not
support placeholder replacement as described in

I searched list archives but found no explanation for this.
Original string is <<%s at or near \"%s\">> and we
replaced it in Turkish for <<\"%2$s\"  yerinde %1$s>>.

It works perfectly fine on Linux but fails miserably under
Windows with something like: 
<<HATA:  "$s"  yerinde $sat character 1>>
    while on Linux the same version works fine:
<<HATA: "sdfassfsdfasd" yerinde söz dizim hatası at character 1 >>

What is it? I suppose that Windows' printf() does
not support changing the order of placeholder
characters with %2$ .... %1$. Did some one else
deal with it? Is it because of compilation flags?

In any case PostgreSQL version in current pginstaller
is broken.

Best regards,

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