On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 08:46:21PM +1100, Neil Conway wrote:
> Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> >On another naming note; the naming convention for system stuff has
> >always driven me nuts. Some the letter prefix (ie: tab for tables) in
> >front of every field name, with no underscores or anything. Extensive
> >use of abbreviations that you need to remember (ie: indnatts, indexprs,
> >indpred). No use of underscores (indisunique). Yet the view and table
> >names do use underscores.
> I agree the naming conventions for system catalog columns is less than 
> optimal, but it seems a net loss to rename columns that already exist 
> (given the amount of code that would need to be updated, both within the 
> tree and in admin utilities and the like). Renaming all the system 
> catalogs and providing backward compatibility views would mean you'd 
> only need to modify the PG source, although of course those 
> modifications would be pretty time-consuming...
> In any case, that's no reason not to try for better names in newly-added 
> system objects.

Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting renaming anything in any of the
existing pg_catalog objects. I'm suggesting creating a new, easier to
use set of views that would sit on top of pg_catalog.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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