Merlin Moncure wrote:
3) Allow GRANT/REVOKE permissions to be applied to all schema


with one

Maybe this is "apply schema changes to several objects with one command". This seems reasonable.

Well, I don't know. IMO, what I would really like to see is for various
database objects to inherit permissions from the schema. The ability to
GRANT to all tables in a schema, etc. is almost trivial to implement in
plpgsql/dynamic sql currently.

And pgAdmin3 V1.2 has the Grant Wizard, as pgAdmin2 had. Though an SQL command for granting on multiple objects won't hurt.

However the major annoyance with that
approach is that I have to remember to re-grant permissions to tables in
a schema after running that function.  As worded, the TODO does not
solve that problem.

IOW, I would really like to see the TODO to be reworded 'allow schema
objects to inherit permissions from the schema' or something like

This sounds quite helpful too, but I'd call it a second TODO.


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