Short summary:

 I had the same problem - since the sort order of zip-codes,
 counties, city names, and states don't match, the optimizer
 grossly overestimated the number of pages that would be read.

 I bet doing a CLUSTER by ZIP would solve that particular
 query, but would break similar queries by county or by
 city or by state.

 I think
   select attname,correlation from pg_stats where tablename = 'rt1';
 will show you the same problem I had.  My pg_stats
 numbers are shown below.

 I had a couple ugly hacks that worked around the problem
 for myself.


One interesting property of the TIGER data (and most geospatial
databases) is that the data for most of the columns are
"locally correlated" but not globally.  What I mean by that
is that even though data for those zip-codes probably only
resided in a few disk pages; the data was probably loaded
in order of Tiger File number (state,county), so the "correlation"
in pg_stats for zip-code was very low. With the low correlation
the optimizer couldn't see the fact that any given zip code's
data was all together on disk.  Because of this, it probably
vastly overestimated the number of pages that would be read.

Let me try a concrete example:
   Zip | City          |   State  | County        | Street
 99501 } Anchorage     }   AK     | Anchorage     | 1st st.
 94105 | San Francisco |   CA     | San Francisco | 1st St
 94105 | San Francisco |   CA     | San Francisco | 2nd St
 [... a few more disk pages for 94105 ...]
 [... tens more disk pages for San Francisco ...]
 [... thousands more disk pages for CA ...]
 94501 | Alameda       |   CA     | Alameda       | 1st St
 94501 | Alameda       |   CA     | Alameda       | 2nd St
 02101 | Boston        |   MA     | Suffolk       | 1st St.

Note, that all the data for any geographical region (zip,
or city, or county) is located close together on disk.

If I do a query by City, or by State, or by Zip, I should
probably do an index scan.

But since the correlation statistic only looks the total
ordering; if we order the table so the correlation for
one column, it's statistic will look very good; but since
the columns have a different sort order the correlation
statistic for the others will be very poor.

In my copy of the TIGER data (loaded in order of TIGER-file-number (which is ordered by state, and then by county)), you can see the various relevant correlation values in my database.

fl=# select  attname,correlation
     from pg_stats
     where tablename = 'tgr_rt1';
  attname  | correlation
 tigerfile |            1
 rt        |            1
 version   |     0.968349
 tlid      |     0.151139
 zipl      |     0.381979
 zipr      |     0.376332
 statel    |     0.998373
 stater    |      0.99855
 countyl   |     0.111207
 countyr   |     0.115345
 cousubl   |   -0.0450375
 cousubr   |   -0.0486589
 placel    |     0.304117
 placer    |     0.306714
 tractl    |     0.141538
 tractr    |     0.134357
 blockl    |   0.00599286
 blockr    | -8.73298e-05
 frlong    |    0.0857337
 frlat     |     0.174396
 tolong    |    0.0857399
 tolat     |     0.174434
(45 rows)

Note, that even though the TIGER data is sorted by State/County, "countyl" and "countyr" have some of the worst correlations (in the stats table); because of the way the FIPS codes work. Every state re-cycles the county codes starting with 1 and going up. STATE FIPS CODE | County FIPS code ------------------+----------------- 06 (california) | 001 (alameda) 06 (california) | 003 (alpine) ... 25 (massachusets) | 001 (Barnstable)

I have a hack for 7.4 that sets the numbers hidden in pg_statistic used for correlation to 0.75 for these columns; and the planner started making more reasonable guesses.

In the end, though, I just resorted to uglier hacks
that make the planner favor index scans like setting
random_page_cost artificially low.

What I think I'd like to see is for there to be another statistic similar to "correlation" but rather than looking at the total-ordering of the table, to look how correlated values within any single page are. If someone pointed me in the right direction, I might try doing this.



  I think lots of other data has the same issues.
  A very large name database ordered by
  "lastname,firstname" will have all people
  of a given "firstname" on a relatively small
  set of pages, but the current correlation value
  wouldn't see that.

  Firstname |  Lastname  |  Middlename
  Adam      |  Brown     |  Albert
  Adam      |  Brown     |  Alex
  Adam      |  Brown     |  Bob
  Bill      }  Brown     |  ....
  Adam      |  Smith     |  Albert
  Adam      |  Smith     |  Alex
  Adam      |  Smith     |  Bob

Tom Lane wrote:

  ->  Index Scan using rt1_zipr, rt1_zipl on rt1  (cost=0.00..121893.93
rows=30835 width=302)
        Index Cond: ((zipr = 2186) OR (zipl = 2186))

zipl      |        925 |
zipr      |        899 |

Those n_distinct values for zipl and zipr seem aberrant --- too low
compared to the estimated rowcount you're showing.  What are the
true figures?  Also, how about some EXPLAIN ANALYZEs and not just

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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