I think you're pretty well screwed as far as getting it *all* back goes,
but you could use pg_resetxlog to back up the NextXID counter enough to
make your tables and databases reappear (and thereby lose the effects of
however many recent transactions you back up over).

Once you've found a NextXID setting you like, I'd suggest an immediate
pg_dumpall/initdb/reload to make sure you have a consistent set of data.
Don't VACUUM, or indeed modify the DB at all, until you have gotten a
satisfactory dump.

Then put in a cron job to do periodic vacuuming ;-)

This might seem like a stupid question, but since this is a massive data loss potential in PostgreSQL, what's so hard about having the checkpointer or something check the transaction counter when it runs and either issue a db-wide vacuum if it's about to wrap, or simply disallow any new transactions?

I think people'd rather their db just stopped accepting new transactions rather than just losing data...


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