> On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 13:35:25 -0500,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> The catastrophic failure of the database because a maintenence function
>> is
>> not performed is a problem with the software, not with the people using
>> it.
> There doesn't seem to be disagreement that something should be done going
> forward.
> The disagreement sems to be what effort should be made in back porting
> fixes to previous versions.

Now, lets imagine PostgreSQL is being developed by a large company. QA
announces it has found a bug that will cause all the users data to
disappear if they don't run a maintenence program correctly. Vacuuming one
or two tables is not enough, you have to vacuum all tables in all

This bug would get marked as a critical error and a full scale effort
would be made to contact previous users to upgrade or check their

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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