> We saw a case recently where a hash join was using much more memory than
> it was supposed to, causing failure when the server ran out of memory.

Yes.  I had the same problem a few month ago,

It turned out that the cost estimates were so way off no matter what
tunables were modified, so I never was ever able to execute the query
fully.  I analyzed the code and devised a solution that was similar
what you proposed, though I didn't consider HashAggregates
at the time.  Unfortunately, I lost all work in a hard drive failure
and was never able to get back to working on it, so I can't really
refer to my old notes.  For what it's worth, your solution looks very
reasonable to me.

This also brings up a line of thought I had a while ago on a related
topic.  Something like a "HashDistinct" might be useful, if it had no
startup cost.  It would basically be a plan node in the executor that
would dynamically build a hashtable so that it can pull rows from its
child node (discarding if they appear in the hashtable) until it can
pass on a novel row.   I have some reservations about it, though.  At
in queries with minimal startup cost from the get-go, it would seem to
be a tradeoff favoring latency over throughput (assuming the
HashDistinct would be a slower operation overall than separate
aggregation and distinct operations).   Then we have the issue of
really big hash tables...  I was hoping to get some time in the
upcoming months to hash out these issues to see if it's worth it, and
if it would be generally useful at all.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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