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On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, Tom Lane wrote:

Does "\d pg_trigger" show that the tgargs column is of type bytea?

Umm no:

tgnargs | smallint | not null

tgargs, not tgnargs.

Ooops, sorry. Ok, tgargs is of type bytea.

Also, get the OID for this pg_trigger row and see if it shows up in
objid or refobjid of any rows of pg_depend

Yes it is there

prod=# SELECT * from pg_depend WHERE objid =39053;
- -[ RECORD 1 ]------
classid     | 16412
objid       | 39053
objsubid    | 0
refclassid  | 1259
refobjid    | 37564
refobjsubid | 0
deptype     | a
- -[ RECORD 2 ]------
classid     | 16412
objid       | 39053
objsubid    | 0
refclassid  | 1259
refobjid    | 37577
refobjsubid | 0
deptype     | a

Hmph. Those should be 'i' references to the foreign key constraint, not 'a' references to the relations. I suspect this database was carried forward from an ancient (pre-7.3) dump that defined the triggers by "CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER" instead of "ALTER ADD FOREIGN KEY".

I haven't coded the application but AFAIKit was developed using 7.4 and 7.5(CVS); and we installed database on 8.0.1... This is a new app.

As a reminder, we ran pg_dump successfully before. After then we did nothing on schemas, we didn't upgrade db server, etc.

Have you ever run contrib/adddepend to update the definitions to be
proper constraints?

Now I did, but the found constraints are not related to our problem... :(

I'll try to drop trigger on Monday night and see what will happen. We have no up2date backup, except WAL logs... :(


- --
Devrim GUNDUZ devrim~gunduz.org, devrim~PostgreSQL.org, devrim.gunduz~linux.org.tr
http://www.tdmsoft.com http://www.gunduz.org
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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