Alvaro, Tom,

> > Very likely we could kick it up to 100 or so without feeling any pain;
> > how high were you thinking?
> I used to see people asking to raise it to 64 or so. ÂNot sure if it
> would be useful to go higher than that ... much less now that we have
> full-fledged support for row types.

Actually, I'm right now working on a function with 88 parameters, which have 
to be passed through a temp table in 7.4.   I've seen Oracle PL/SQL 
procedures with 140 parameters.   While it's possible to work around this 
using row types, it's cumbersome, and extremely painful if you're porting an 

So if we can make this variable-length, I'd say set the limit at 400 to avoid 
TOASTing, but otherwise allow users as many parameters as they want.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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