I did 'gmake distclean' and rebuild and I still get the attached failures.

parallel group (13 tests):  text name char varchar boolean oid int8 int2 float4 
int4 float8 bit numeric
     boolean              ... ok
     char                 ... ok
     name                 ... ok
     varchar              ... ok
     text                 ... ok
     int2                 ... ok
     int4                 ... ok
     int8                 ... ok
     oid                  ... ok
     float4               ... ok
     float8               ... ok
     bit                  ... ok
     numeric              ... ok
test strings              ... ok
test numerology           ... ok
parallel group (20 tests):  comments lseg time timetz circle reltime path 
tinterval abstime point box polygon inet type_sanity timestamptz timestamp date 
oidjoins interval opr_sanity
     point                ... ok
     lseg                 ... ok
     box                  ... ok
     path                 ... ok
     polygon              ... ok
     circle               ... ok
     date                 ... ok
     time                 ... ok
     timetz               ... ok
     timestamp            ... ok
     timestamptz          ... ok
     interval             ... ok
     abstime              ... ok
     reltime              ... ok
     tinterval            ... ok
     inet                 ... ok
     comments             ... ok
     oidjoins             ... ok
     type_sanity          ... ok
     opr_sanity           ... ok
test geometry             ... ok
test horology             ... ok
test insert               ... ok
test create_function_1    ... ok
test create_type          ... ok
test create_table         ... ok
test create_function_2    ... ok
test copy                 ... ok
parallel group (7 tests):  create_operator create_aggregate vacuum triggers 
constraints inherit create_misc
     constraints          ... ok
     triggers             ... FAILED
     create_misc          ... ok
     create_aggregate     ... ok
     create_operator      ... ok
     inherit              ... ok
     vacuum               ... ok
parallel group (2 tests):  create_view create_index
     create_index         ... ok
     create_view          ... ok
test sanity_check         ... ok
test errors               ... ok
test select               ... ok
parallel group (18 tests):  select_distinct_on select_into random update 
namespace select_distinct btree_index hash_index select_having select_implicit 
case aggregates union subselect arrays join portals transactions
     select_into          ... ok
     select_distinct      ... ok
     select_distinct_on   ... ok
     select_implicit      ... ok
     select_having        ... ok
     subselect            ... ok
     union                ... ok
     case                 ... ok
     join                 ... ok
     aggregates           ... ok
     transactions         ... ok
     random               ... ok
     portals              ... ok
     arrays               ... ok
     btree_index          ... ok
     hash_index           ... ok
     update               ... ok
     namespace            ... ok
test privileges           ... ok
test misc                 ... ok
parallel group (5 tests):  portals_p2 select_views cluster foreign_key rules
     select_views         ... ok
     portals_p2           ... ok
     rules                ... ok
     foreign_key          ... ok
     cluster              ... ok
parallel group (14 tests):  limit prepare sequence rowtypes truncate 
polymorphism copy2 without_oid temp conversion domain rangefuncs alter_table 
     limit                ... ok
     plpgsql              ... ok
     copy2                ... FAILED
     temp                 ... ok
     domain               ... FAILED
     rangefuncs           ... ok
     prepare              ... ok
     without_oid          ... ok
     conversion           ... ok
     truncate             ... ok
     alter_table          ... FAILED
     sequence             ... ok
     polymorphism         ... ok
     rowtypes             ... ok
test stats                ... ok
test tablespace           ... ok
*** ./expected/triggers.out     Wed Oct 13 09:22:31 2004
--- ./results/triggers.out      Thu Apr 14 09:38:13 2005
*** 307,315 ****
  NOTICE:  trigger_func() called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = 
  -- COPY should fire per-row and per-statement INSERT triggers
  COPY main_table (a, b) FROM stdin;
  NOTICE:  trigger_func() called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = 
  NOTICE:  trigger_func() called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = 
- SELECT * FROM main_table ORDER BY a, b;
   a  | b  
    6 | 10
--- 307,315 ----
  NOTICE:  trigger_func() called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = 
  -- COPY should fire per-row and per-statement INSERT triggers
  COPY main_table (a, b) FROM stdin;
+ SELECT * FROM main_table ORDER BY a, b;
  NOTICE:  trigger_func() called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = 
  NOTICE:  trigger_func() called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = 
   a  | b  
    6 | 10


*** ./expected/copy2.out        Tue Mar 15 10:54:54 2005
--- ./results/copy2.out Thu Apr 14 09:38:38 2005
*** 34,51 ****
  ERROR:  column "d" specified more than once
  -- missing data: should fail
  COPY x from stdin;
- ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: ""
- CONTEXT:  COPY x, line 1, column a: ""
  COPY x from stdin;
- ERROR:  missing data for column "e"
- CONTEXT:  COPY x, line 1: "2000       230     23      23"
  COPY x from stdin;
- ERROR:  missing data for column "e"
- CONTEXT:  COPY x, line 1: "2001       231     \N      \N"
  -- extra data: should fail
  COPY x from stdin;
- ERROR:  extra data after last expected column
- CONTEXT:  COPY x, line 1: "2002       232     40      50      60      70      
  -- various COPY options: delimiters, oids, NULL string
  COPY x (b, c, d, e) from stdin with oids delimiter ',' null 'x';
  COPY x from stdin WITH DELIMITER AS ';' NULL AS '';
--- 34,43 ----


*** ./expected/domain.out       Tue Mar 15 10:54:54 2005
--- ./results/domain.out        Thu Apr 14 09:38:39 2005
*** 39,46 ****
  INSERT INTO basictest values ('88', 'haha', 'short', '123.1212');    -- 
Truncate numeric
  -- Test copy
  COPY basictest (testvarchar) FROM stdin; -- fail
- ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(5)
- CONTEXT:  COPY basictest, line 1: "notsoshorttext"
  COPY basictest (testvarchar) FROM stdin;
  select * from basictest;
   testint4 | testtext | testvarchar | testnumeric 
--- 39,44 ----
*** 126,137 ****
  INSERT INTO nulltest values ('a', 'b', 'c', NULL, 'd'); -- Good
  -- Test copy
  COPY nulltest FROM stdin; --fail
- ERROR:  domain dcheck does not allow null values
- CONTEXT:  COPY nulltest, line 1: "a   b       \N      d       \N"
  -- Last row is bad
  COPY nulltest FROM stdin;
- ERROR:  new row for relation "nulltest" violates check constraint 
- CONTEXT:  COPY nulltest, line 3: "a   b       c       \N      a"
  select * from nulltest;
   col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 | col5 
--- 124,131 ----


*** ./expected/alter_table.out  Tue Mar 15 10:54:54 2005
--- ./results/alter_table.out   Thu Apr 14 09:38:42 2005
*** 844,851 ****
  copy test("........pg.dropped.1........") to stdout;
  ERROR:  column "........pg.dropped.1........" of relation "test" does not 
  copy test from stdin;
- ERROR:  extra data after last expected column
- CONTEXT:  COPY test, line 1: "10      11      12"
  select * from test;
   b | c 
--- 844,849 ----


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