On 4/18/05, ElayaRaja S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am using Redhat Linux 9, I need to uninstall postfesql 7.3.2 and
>  i have to install postgresql 7.4.5. Plz let me know how to uninstall
> completely - postfesql 7.3.2


You really should consider asking your question on some another 
mailing list, because it is quite off-topic...

Regarding uninstalling:  you need to find out the names of the 
postgresql-related  packages that are installed.  They might be called 
something like postgresql-client, postgresql-server, etc.   Then, you 
simply uninstall them with:      rpm -e  <package_name>

Adrian Maier

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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