
> The math in the paper does not seem to look at very low levels of q (=
> sample to pop ratio).

Yes, I think that's the failing.   Mind you, I did more testing and found out 
that for D/N ratios of 0.1 to 0.3, the formula only works within 5x accuracy 
(which I would consider acceptable) with a sample size of 25% or more (which 
is infeasable in any large table).    The formula does work for populations 
where D/N is much lower, say 0.01.  So overall it seems to only work for 1/4 
of cases; those where n/N is large and D/N is low.   And, annoyingly, that's 
probably the population where accurate estimation is least crucial, as it 
consists mostly of small tables.

I've just developed (not original, probably, but original to *me*) a formula 
that works on populations where n/N is very small and D/N is moderate (i.e. 
0.1 to 0.4):

N * (d/n)^(sqrt(N/n))

However, I've tested it only on (n/N < 0.005 and D/N > 0.1 and D/N < 0.4) 
populations, and only 3 of them to boot.   I'd appreciate other people trying 
it on their own data populations, particularly very different ones, like D/N 
> 0.7 or D/N < 0.01.

Further, as Andrew points out we presumably do page sampling rather than 
purely random sampling so I should probably read the paper he referenced.  
Working on it now ....

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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