On Sat, 30 Apr 2005, Nicolai Petri (lists) wrote:

> We also use PostgreSQL as our primary db so it would be more than likely
> that we would donate money for something similar with postgresql if
> either :
>   a) we can direct the money at one or more specific tasks
>   or
>   b) the tasks founded will be related to core postgresql features e.g.
>      generel performance or other benefits that fits all.

The problem is organization.  Who decides who gets what money?  What about 
features that are paid for and worked on and not accepted into the 
community codebase?  This was something I hoped the PostgreSQL Foundation 
http://thepostgresqlfoundation.org/ would step in and do, but we seem much 
more focused on advocacy efforts rather than developemnt ones.

Kris Jurka

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