Josh Berkus said:
> Dave, all:
>> This issue has come up before, and I opposed it then when the
>> interfaces were removed from the main tarball.
>> I really don't see the upside to reducing the size of the tarball at
>> the expense of ease of use. Â Seems to me we are
>> bending over backwards to make it easy for people with dial up
>> connections to download our "enterprise class"
>> database.
> Small tarball size isn't the *primary* reason for having our
> "push-it-out-to-pgFoundry" attitude, it's the *tertiary* reason.  The
> main  two reasons are:
> 1) If we start including everything that's "useful", where do we stop?
> There  are enough pg add-ins to fill a CD -- 200 projects on GBorg and
> pgFoundry and  others elsewhere.  And some of them probably conflict
> with each other.  Any  decision to include some projects and not others
> will alienate people and  possibly be a mis-evaluation; the
> libpq++/libpqxx mistake comes to mind.
> 2) As long as we're using CVS, the only way to organize autonomous
> project  teams that have authority over their special areas but no
> ability to change  central code is to "push out" projects to separate
> CVS trees.
>>From my perspective, putting together a coherent "distribution" of
> with all the add-ins you want is the job of commercial distributors and
>  possibly OSS projects like Bizgres.

This water-torture campaign is disappointing.

How many projects on gborg have any active maintenance? Our community is
still small - we can ill afford fragmentation.

Tom and others have already pointed out the good technical reasons for not
divorcing PLs at least from the core code.

I was not around at the time of the libpq++/libpqxx issue. But, honestly,
fear of making a wrong decision should not be a reason not to make one.

As for CVS - if we can't do development the way we want using it then it's
time to replace it. I have been convinced for quite a while that it is
living on borrowed time, but I am far less certain about what should be used
to replace it. But making macro content decisions on the basis of what we
can do with CVS is just crazy.



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