>> Is this patch ready for application?
>> iff.gz
>> The web site is:
>>      http://people.freebsd.org/~girgen/postgresql-icu/readme.html
>I don't think so, not quite. I have not had any positive 
>reports from linux 
>users, this is only tested in a FreeBSD environment. I'd say 
>it needs some more testing.

I've just finished some simple testing on win32, and it does seem to work fine 
there as well, with a few modifications to the build step. As I don't have a  
working autoconf, I applied the stuff that would come from your configure.in 
changes directly to the files. Meaning putting USE_ICU in pg_config.h, and the 
following changes to Makefile.global:
1) Add the directory for the ICU include files to CPPFLAGS
2) Add -licuuc -licuin to LIBS. I notice these are different names from those 
used on Unix, so a different configure test will be needed there.
3) Add the icu lib directory to LDFLAGS
4) Remove encodings "PG_WIN_1258"/PG_TCVN and "IBM866"/PG_ALT. Didn't 
investigate further why this was needed, but this probably has something to do 
with my tests being off CVS tip vs the patch being for 8.0-stable.

After doing this, I can properly get upper and lowercase for the swedish 
characters åäö/ÅÄÖ, as well as the ß->SS conversion. That's all I really tested 
at this point, but it did *not* work before in a unicode/UTF8 database.

I've been working off the ICU 3.2 binaries available from the ICU page, the 
version compiled with MSVC 6 (because it uses the same runtime DLLs as stuff 
compiled with mingw. It should work with the MSVC7 version as well, but that 
would introduce additional DLL dependencies).


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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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