Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> I think this would require a small addition to the pg_regress script
>> to make it configurable as to which PL to install, instead of always
>> installing plpgsql, but that seems like a reasonable thing to do.

> I'm not sure why it would matter having it there. I would just make the 
> first test to load the language in question - pretty much this, right?

> CREATE FUNCTION "plperl_call_handler" () RETURNS language_handler AS 
> '$libdir/plperl' LANGUAGE C;
> CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE "plperl" HANDLER "plperl_call_handler";
> CREATE LANGUAGE "plperlu" HANDLER "plperl_call_handler";

The point is that I'd rather test createlang than duplicate it.

(In the back of my mind also is that running createlang is a waste of
time for the contrib tests, and so it'd be nice if pg_regress didn't
load any PL unless told to.)

                        regards, tom lane

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