
I think you bring up some good points, but I also think that each package you 
propose needs to be dealt with individually.

> - dbsize has been in contrib for a long time, though it appears to me as
> quite a basic functionality to find out about storage needs.

Although not needed so much if the new system views are approved; we have a 
view that calculates database size.  Not that multiple options isn't cool.

> - The superuser only generic file functions in the admin package have
> been posted for 8.0, but where (more or less ) silently dropped. These
> functions allow pgadmin to display the server logs, as well as editing
> pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf without console access to
> whatever-pgsql-is-running-on.  I'd like to see this at least as contrib
> module (the functions are probably safer than pl_sh).

Heck, I didn't even see these.  I was going to write some in pgperl for my own 
use.  These seem potentially very dangerous though, so we wouldn't want them 
installed by default.

> - There was a pg_kill_backend function in pre-8.0, but it was dropped
> because "it's too dangerous". Incidentially, I've been in the situation
> more than once where I needed to kill a backend process that was running
> wild; alternatively, I'd have to shutdown the whole server. I had to do
> this on the linux console with kill -9 (fortunately I did have access),
> or using the win32 task manager (same). This appears even more error
> prone to me than to point to the malicious process and kill it (through
> pgadmin/pg_kill_backend)

Certainly.  But this was dropped because Tom couldn't get the bugs out (as I 
recall) and make it "safe" to use, even for the superuser.  You could take a 
stab at fixing it.   Also, if this were an "enable-at-build-time" option, it 
would also help defuse the security argument, since it wouldn't necessarily 
be installed.

> - We don't have a profiling facility to tap an individual backend for a
> limited period to find out what the client is doing there, so we need to
> use log_statement for this (I'd like to work on profiling, but I didn't
> find the time so far). Consequently, we have to deal with long logfiles,
> containing much stuff we don't need. In the past, I found it to be very
> helpful if a fresh logfile could be used (on a private installation,
> stop/start server), that's why my logfile process implementation did
> include a logfile rotation trigger functionality. Tom didn't need it, so
> he dropped it. I'd opt for re-adding it again.


> Yes yes I know, all of these can be done by a local administrator with
> console access and an editor and cmd line tools, but there are indeed
> people that do *not* have console access, or like to use decent tools....

To support Andrew's assertion, automated server room administration tools 
(like Hyperic and Embarcadero) could really use the above tools.  


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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