Thanks Tom, that solved it...I added the new variables one at a time
and did do a "make clean" on the first occasion but I must have
forgotten to do it the second time...

I have another question-
The new variables that I've added to Plan and Path i.e.
hutz_tbl_benefit and hutz_idx_benefit are being assigned values inside
cost_seqscan() and cost_index() in costsize.c and this is done
alongside startup_cost and total_cost.

But, when I read the value of hutz_tbl_benefit and hutz_idx_benefit
inside pg_plan_query() or later at the execution stage inside
ExecProcNode(), the value is absent, but startup_cost and total_cost
retain their values.

So, I suppose that during the query planning and optimization stage,
the value of the original variables in the plan are somehow copied to
the plan which is finally returned inside pg_plan_query().

Could somebody direct me to the appropriate code/function(s) which
does this copying so that I can add hutz_tbl_benefit and
hutz_idx_benefit to that as well.

Thanks in anticipation,

On 5/25/05, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vikram Kalsi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 1.) New Variables ADDED to src/include/nodes/plannodes.h
> > 2.)  New Variables ADDED to src/include/nodes/relation.h
> > ...
> > However, after these modifications the server process crashes on
> > running a Join query like
> > "select s_suppkey,c_custkey from supplier,customer where s_suppkey>125
> > and s_suppkey<128 and c_custkey>100 and c_custkey<103 and
> > c_custkey=s_suppkey"
> Did you do a full recompile (make clean and rebuild) after modifying
> these widely-known structures?
> Unless you configured with --enable-depend, you can't expect that plain
> "make" will recompile everything that needs recompiled.
>                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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