Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:

Right, I think if VACUUM is improved than the semantics of AV in the backend might change, but I think there will always be a need for some maintenance, and a daemon that monitors the maintenance needs of your database and fires off appropriate maintenance commands for you is good. No it doesn't solve all problems, but I think it solves a lot of problems for a lot of people. Besides VACUUM isn't the only the AV does, it also does ANALYZE to keep your stats up-to-date and it watches for XID wraparound. It could also look for REINDEX opportunities and who knows what else in the future.


i wonder if we should aim to have pgAgent in the backend which was one of the reasons why I considered to have it converted from C++ to pure C.

There are many regular maintenance issues that AV can cover, some more it could cover and many more we can't even think of right now. Having an sql executing agent freely at hand (consistent on _every_ platform, without cron/anacron/at/younameit dependencies) should be helpful for that.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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