Why was that approved to -announce? What does it have to do with PostgreSQL announcements?

Marc G. Fournier wrote:

For those that remember far enough back, you will have *cough* fond memories of Al Dev ... he seems to have resurfaced, and I figured that this "enlightened posting" might be a nice end to a week for some :)

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Al_Dev wrote:

Since PostgreSQL, MySQL is written in "C", there is a migration away
from "C" to its successor "D" language. So, there should be plan to
make migration from "C" to "D" in near future. It can be gradual as
"D" can link together "C" objects. So the future version of
PostgreSQL  like PostgreSQL Version 12 will be written in 100% D

You would be interested in looking at this 'Language shootout Page'.
After 30 years of C and C++ now the D language is superceding the
C/C++. "C" language evolved from "B" language and B from A. The
process of evolution is A->B->C->D  and after 30 years there may be
"E" language which will supercede "D".

The D-language is the "top number one" in ranking getting about 135
points(with weightage of 1 each to cpu, mem, codelines). The next in
the list is OCML from France (http://caml.inria.fr ).
The D-language is still evoling and guess is it will be GA and in
production in about a year's time.

The currently OCML is declared as a "Super Power of Computer
Languages". The OCML is GA and is in production deployment in many
big companies like "France Telecom", AirBus Industry, Boeing Corp,
many mega-large companies in Europe, Japan, USA and China.

Computer language is the backbone of the world economy!! Computer
language is multi-billion dollar market.

I will be surprised if you had not already visited this site.

(You can change weightage of cpu, memory, codelines)


Win32 language shootouts - http://dada.perl.it/shootout/


The D-language is at http://www.digitalmars.com/d/index.html

The next in the list is OCML http://caml.inria.fr

See also pure object oriented Ruby which is fast replacing perl

Al Dev ( Alavoor Vasudevan)

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