>>> branch id: Branch Identifier. Every RM involved in the global
>>> transaction is given a *different* branch id.
>> Hm, I am confused then -- the XA spec definitely talks about
>> multiple RMs in a single transaction branch.
>> Can you explain?
>I oversimplified a bit. The TM *can* enlist multiple threads of control
>connection in JTA) to the same transaction branch. That's called 
>"tightly-coupled threads", and they should then be treated as one 
>local transaction in the RM. The calls will look like this:
>conn1.start(xid1, TMNOFLAGS);
>conn2.start(xid1, TMJOIN);
>conn1.end(xid1, TMSUCCESS);
>conn2.end(xid1, TMSUCCESS);
>connX.commit(xid1, false);
>conn1 and conn2 must share locks and see each others changes. They 
>mustn't deadlock each other. The JDBC driver can implement this in a
>straight-forward way by using the same physical connection for both
>and conn2. Note that there's only one prepare, and it can be issued
>any connection.

In your example above couldn't conn1 and conn2 be running in two
different JVMs?  And thus your statement that 'the JDBC driver can
implement this in a very straight-forward way by using the same physical
connection' would not be true.  I can't see a way for two JVMs (possibly
on different client machines even) to share the same physical


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