Does it know that the input to the sort routine is already sorted and hence is a no-op?


No, but in most cases this will use an index and hence will assume that
the index is responsible for ordering.

OK, so what's going on here?

usa=> explain select * from users_myfoods_map where user_id=1 and date='2003-11-03' order by date; QUERY PLAN
 Sort  (cost=4.84..4.85 rows=2 width=22)
   Sort Key: date
-> Index Scan using users_myfoods_map_user_id_date_key on users_myfoods_map (cost=0.00..4.83 rows=2 width=22)
         Index Cond: ((user_id = 1) AND (date = '2003-11-03'::date))
(4 rows)

(That's on our enormous live table)


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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