Oliver Jowett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> per my linux/socket.h:

>> /* Setsockoptions(2) level. Thanks to BSD these must match IPPROTO_xxx */
>> #define SOL_IP          0
>> /* #define SOL_ICMP     1       No-no-no! Due to Linux :-) we cannot use 
>> SOL_ICMP=1 */
>> #define SOL_TCP         6

> (I won't get into why using wire-level-protocol constants for syscall
> option numbering is a bad idea.. :)

[ raised eyebrow... ]  You think the wire protocol numbers are more
likely to change than the syscall assignments?  Consider the range of
systems that each change would affect.

Also, that assignment is not mere BSD-ism, it's specified by the Single
Unix Spec, as well as every other document I could lay my hands on
today.  Whoever wrote the comments in linux/socket.h is just

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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