Bruce Momjian <> writes:
> Luke Lonergan wrote:
>> Has there been any agreement or a concept for remote reboot?

> Reload of config file and rotate log files were part of the original
> patch that I will try to apply.  I am not sure how remote restart would
> work.

Remote reboot to change shared_buffers and other shmem-sizing parameters
seems pretty doable: all you need is a slightly more user-friendly
version of the standard response to backend crash, since that sequence
already kills and recreates the shmem segment.  The postmaster itself
doesn't have to change anything.

I'm not sure how to handle remote reconfiguration of, say,
listen_addresses.  The postmaster doesn't normally reconsider that after
postmaster startup.  We'd have to either fix that (difficulty uncertain)
or invent a way for the postmaster to quit and restart (ick).

None of this seems like 8.1 material, though.  May I remind you that
we're already a month past feature freeze?

                        regards, tom lane

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