I have a case that I though was an example of this issue,
and that this patch would correct.  I applied this patch
to an 8.0.3 source distribution, but it didn't seem to
solve my problem.

In a nutshell, I have a LIMIT query where the planner
seems to favor a merge join over a nested loop.  I've
simplified the query as much as possible:

itvtrackdata3=> \d tableA
Table "public.tableA"
 Column |   Type   | Modifiers 
 foo    | bigint   | not null
 bar    | smallint | not null
 bap    | bigint   | not null
 bip    | bigint   | not null
 bom    | bigint   | not null
    "idx_tableA_bip" btree (bip) WHERE (bip =
    "idx_tableA_foo" btree (foo)

itvtrackdata3=> \d tableB
Table "tableB"
 Column  |   Type   | Modifiers 
 bim     | bigint   | not null
 bif     | smallint | not null
 baf     | smallint | not null
 bof     | smallint | not null
 buf     | smallint | not null
 foo     | bigint   | not null
    "idx_tableB_bim" btree ("bim", foo)

itvtrackdata3=> set default_statistics_target to 1000;
Time: 0.448 ms
itvtrackdata3=> analyze tableA;
Time: 4237.151 ms
itvtrackdata3=> analyze tableB;
Time: 46672.939 ms
itvtrackdata3=> explain analyze SELECT * FROM tableB NATURAL JOIN tableA
WHERE bim>=72555896091359 AND bim<72555935412959 AND bim=bap ORDER BY
bim ASC LIMIT 1;
      QUERY PLAN                                                                
 Limit  (cost=149626.57..252987.71 rows=1 width=50) (actual
time=5684.013..5684.013 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Merge Join  (cost=149626.57..252987.71 rows=1 width=50) (actual
time=5684.012..5684.012 rows=1 loops=1)
         Merge Cond: (("outer"."bim" = "inner"."bap") AND ("outer".foo =
         ->  Index Scan using idx_tableB_bim on tableB 
(cost=0.00..97391.22 rows=55672 width=24) (actual time=0.017..0.059
rows=29 loops=1)
               Index Cond: (("bim" >= 72555896091359::bigint) AND ("bim"
< 72555935412959::bigint))
         ->  Sort  (cost=149626.57..151523.94 rows=758948 width=34)
(actual time=5099.300..5442.825 rows=560856 loops=1)
               Sort Key: tableA."bap", tableA.foo
               ->  Seq Scan on tableA  (cost=0.00..47351.48 rows=758948
width=34) (actual time=0.021..1645.204 rows=758948 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 5706.655 ms
(9 rows)

Time: 5729.984 ms
itvtrackdata3=> set enable_mergejoin to false;
Time: 0.373 ms
itvtrackdata3=> explain analyze SELECT * FROM tableB NATURAL JOIN tableA
WHERE bim>=72555896091359 AND bim<72555935412959 AND bim=bap ORDER BY
bim ASC LIMIT 1;
      QUERY PLAN                                                                
 Limit  (cost=0.00..432619.68 rows=1 width=50) (actual
time=11.149..11.150 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..432619.68 rows=1 width=50) (actual
time=11.148..11.148 rows=1 loops=1)
         Join Filter: ("outer"."bim" = "inner"."bap")
         ->  Index Scan using idx_tableB_bim on tableB 
(cost=0.00..97391.22 rows=55672 width=24) (actual time=0.017..0.062
rows=29 loops=1)
               Index Cond: (("bim" >= 72555896091359::bigint) AND ("bim"
< 72555935412959::bigint))
         ->  Index Scan using idx_tableA_foo on tableA  (cost=0.00..6.01
rows=1 width=34) (actual time=0.007..0.379 rows=1 loops=29)
               Index Cond: ("outer".foo = tableA.foo)
 Total runtime: 11.215 ms
(8 rows)

Time: 32.007 ms

Have I just flubbed the patch, or is there something else
going on here?



On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 12:20, Tom Lane wrote:
> I wrote:
> > Dawid Kuroczko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> qnex=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM log NATURAL JOIN useragents LIMIT 1;
> >> Limit  (cost=15912.20..15912.31 rows=1 width=272)
> >> ->  Hash Join  (cost=15912.20..5328368.96 rows=47044336 width=272)
> >> If I set enable_hashjoin=false:
> >> LIMIT 1;
> >> Limit  (cost=0.00..3.07 rows=1 width=272) (actual time=74.214..74.216
> >> rows=1 loops=1)
> >> ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.00..144295895.01 rows=47044336
> >> width=272) (actual time=74.204..74.204 rows=1 loops=1)
> > This is quite strange.  The nestloop plan definitely should be preferred
> > in the context of the LIMIT, considering that it has far lower estimated
> > cost.  And it is preferred in simple tests for me.
> After a suitable period of contemplating my navel, I figured out
> what is going on here: the total costs involved are large enough that
> the still-fairly-high startup cost of the hash is disregarded by
> compare_fuzzy_path_costs(), and so the nestloop is discarded as not
> having any significant potential advantage in startup time.
> I think that this refutes the original scheme of using the same fuzz
> factor for both startup and total cost comparisons, and therefore
> propose the attached patch.
> Comments?
>                       regards, tom lane
> *** src/backend/optimizer/util/pathnode.c.orig        Fri Jul 15 13:09:25 2005
> --- src/backend/optimizer/util/pathnode.c     Fri Jul 22 12:08:25 2005
> ***************
> *** 98,157 ****
>   static int
>   compare_fuzzy_path_costs(Path *path1, Path *path2, CostSelector criterion)
>   {
> -     Cost            fuzz;
> - 
>       /*
> !      * The fuzz factor is set at one percent of the smaller total_cost,
> !      * but not less than 0.01 cost units (just in case total cost is
> !      * zero).
>        *
>        * XXX does this percentage need to be user-configurable?
>        */
> -     fuzz = Min(path1->total_cost, path2->total_cost) * 0.01;
> -     fuzz = Max(fuzz, 0.01);
> - 
>       if (criterion == STARTUP_COST)
>       {
> !             if (Abs(path1->startup_cost - path2->startup_cost) > fuzz)
> !             {
> !                     if (path1->startup_cost < path2->startup_cost)
> !                             return -1;
> !                     else
> !                             return +1;
> !             }
>               /*
>                * If paths have the same startup cost (not at all unlikely),
>                * order them by total cost.
>                */
> !             if (Abs(path1->total_cost - path2->total_cost) > fuzz)
> !             {
> !                     if (path1->total_cost < path2->total_cost)
> !                             return -1;
> !                     else
> !                             return +1;
> !             }
>       }
>       else
>       {
> !             if (Abs(path1->total_cost - path2->total_cost) > fuzz)
> !             {
> !                     if (path1->total_cost < path2->total_cost)
> !                             return -1;
> !                     else
> !                             return +1;
> !             }
>               /*
>                * If paths have the same total cost, order them by startup 
> cost.
>                */
> !             if (Abs(path1->startup_cost - path2->startup_cost) > fuzz)
> !             {
> !                     if (path1->startup_cost < path2->startup_cost)
> !                             return -1;
> !                     else
> !                             return +1;
> !             }
>       }
>       return 0;
>   }
> --- 98,138 ----
>   static int
>   compare_fuzzy_path_costs(Path *path1, Path *path2, CostSelector criterion)
>   {
>       /*
> !      * We use a fuzz factor of 1% of the smaller cost.
>        *
>        * XXX does this percentage need to be user-configurable?
>        */
>       if (criterion == STARTUP_COST)
>       {
> !             if (path1->startup_cost > path2->startup_cost * 1.01)
> !                     return +1;
> !             if (path2->startup_cost > path1->startup_cost * 1.01)
> !                     return -1;
>               /*
>                * If paths have the same startup cost (not at all unlikely),
>                * order them by total cost.
>                */
> !             if (path1->total_cost > path2->total_cost * 1.01)
> !                     return +1;
> !             if (path2->total_cost > path1->total_cost * 1.01)
> !                     return -1;
>       }
>       else
>       {
> !             if (path1->total_cost > path2->total_cost * 1.01)
> !                     return +1;
> !             if (path2->total_cost > path1->total_cost * 1.01)
> !                     return -1;
>               /*
>                * If paths have the same total cost, order them by startup 
> cost.
>                */
> !             if (path1->startup_cost > path2->startup_cost * 1.01)
> !                     return +1;
> !             if (path2->startup_cost > path1->startup_cost * 1.01)
> !                     return -1;
>       }
>       return 0;
>   }
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
>                http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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