Rod Taylor wrote:
On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 21:27 -0400, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

Rod Taylor wrote:

    * Multi-CPU sorts. Take a large single sort like an index creation
      and split the work among multiple CPUs.

This really implies threading, doesn't it? And presumably it would have many possible uses besides this one for doing parallel work, e.g. maybe the planner could evaluate several alternative plans in parallel.

I don't think threading is needed.

I pictured PostgreSQL spawning one process per CPU explicitly for
sorting which standard backends could use as required to do batch work.

This is one area where PostgreSQL needs a lot of work to catch up to the competition. Oracle, DB2, Ingres, even SQL Server Enterprise edition all have parallel query capabilities. I have an older 8-processor Sun Enterprise 3500, as an example. It still has use with other vendors' database products due to their parallel feature set (make -j 9 is nice too), but behaves like the boat-anchor it is w.r.t. PostgreSQL.

Mike Mascari

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