[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alvaro Herrera) writes:
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 02:45:02PM -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>> >If y'all would like, I can eliminate the anti-virus/anti-spam checks and 
>> >just let it all go through though ... *evil grin*
>> Would not bother me in the least. I have protective measures as I am 
>> sure most others do as well. :)
> The archives would fill with junk.  From skimming other projects'
> archives, IMHO that is very undesirable.

We'd discover ourselves inundated with questions about Dueling Banjos...
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="acm.org" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"Parentheses?  What  parentheses? I  haven't  noticed any  parentheses
since my  first month of Lisp  programming.  I like to  ask people who
complain about  parentheses in  Lisp if they  are bothered by  all the
spaces between words in a newspaper..."
-- Kenny Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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