
> Spikewatch is testing a number of different open-source components,
> including ours. If you click on a green datapoint, you can see what our
> actual code-coverage was for that test (presumably they're running the
> regression tests). Unfortunately, the banner ad I saw for them showed
> MySQL (along with a bunch of other things), but not PostgreSQL.

Yeah, there's portions of the web interface that still have wrong 
referents.   I'll bug them again about that.

> Is it worth trying to promote this as a way to promote PostgreSQL? Also,
> is it worth trying to improve our test coverage?

Actually, they'll be running a contest (with prizes up to $2500) for 
improved test coverage for OSS applications.   I've been trying to get 
someone to commit to helping me on the contest, so that PostgreSQL can 


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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