On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 19:13 -0400, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

> Or, slightly different, what are people's most wanted features?

My approach to that question has been to try to group together
particular use cases. Currently, I see that PostgreSQL is great for web
applications ("OLTP") and getting better for decision support/data
warehousing. There are probably some finer grained groupings that could
be made too...

I'd be in favour of describing TODO and release history in terms of
those "possible applications", so people can see progress towards
particular solutions. Most of the features we add fall into the category
of "why would I want that?"

> Has PostgreSQL started slowing down in getting new features, and
> concentrating mostly on performance issues?

Most existing users (of any software product) want more admin
capabilities and better performance.

If you ask this question of existing users you will be biasing your
sample towards those viewpoints. You should ask the question of the
people who aren't yet using PostgreSQL ... which was how and why I
hacked away at PITR.

Best Regards, Simon Riggs

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