
> PostgreSQL can treat variable-length data flexibly, but therefore
> it consumes more spaces if we store short data. Headers of
> variable-length types use 4 bytes regardless of the data length.
> My idea is to change the header itself to variable-length.
> In order to reduce the size of short data, I wrote a patch to encode
> lengths into the first several bits of structure. Also, the alignments
> of the types were changed to 'char' from 'int'.
> I know my patch is still insufficient, for example, the types cannot
> be TOASTed. But I guess this compression works well for short text.

Hmmm.  Seems like these would be different data types from the standard ones 
we deal with.  I can see the value for data warehousing, for example.   

Wouldn't this require creating, for example, a SHORTTEXT type?  Or were you 
planning this to handle VARCHAR(6) and the like?   If so, how would we deal 
with users who change the length via ALTER TABLE?

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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