I wrote:
> Well, that's exactly the point Peter is arguing: he thinks (if I
> understand correctly) that the template mechanism should only be used
> for stuff that's included with the core distribution.  I disagree;
> I have seldom seen any good reason for restricting mechanisms to work
> with only core components.  It does seem apparent however that we need
> the templates to be reconfigurable for local conditions ... so the
> hardwired table is out, even as a one-release stopgap.  I'll work on
> building a catalog tomorrow.

I've committed the changes to have a system catalog in place of the
hard-wired table.  In the initial commit, I listed only the languages
included in the core distribution.  It's still possible to add
additional entries for non-core languages into the default table
contents, and I'll be happy to do that for any PL authors who want them.
However, given that it is now possible for superusers to alter the
catalog contents, it's not so pressing to have a preloaded entry ---
you could instead suggest that people create an entry while installing
your language.

Were any of the people who already asked for entries persuaded by
Peter's arguments that non-core languages are better off without a
standard template entry?  Let me know if you still want one.

                        regards, tom lane

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