On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 10:53:44AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Devrim GUNDUZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > So no need to hold the new dot releases? :)
> I still object to releasing them until we find out what's going on
> on gerbil.  That machine was building 8.0 fine until the patch, and it's
> failing consistently since then.  To assume this is not our problem
> would be the height of hubris.

In an earlier message you said that "the owner of the machine has
been completely unhelpful about providing any information to track
it down."  Is he not responding at all, or is he responding but
with not enough information?

Most of gerbil's failures are:

  creating information schema ... Bus Error - core dumped

Is the message implying that the postgres process that initdb starts
is dumping core?  Any ideas on how the patch might cause that?

The most recent failures are

  shmat(id=8326) failed: Not enough space

and the default settings are

  selecting default max_connections ... 10
  selecting default shared_buffers ... 50

Earlier tests that got as far as "creating information schema" had
defaults lower than the maximums:

  selecting default max_connections ... 40
  selecting default shared_buffers ... 700

Could the reduced settings (and thus what they imply about the
amount of shared memory) be relevant?  Could anything in the patch
be affected by that?  If you think it might be worthwhile, I could
mess around with my box's shared memory settings and test it.

Just looking for differences between gerbil and my box....

Michael Fuhr

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