On Sat, 24 Sep 2005, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

> Hey,
> While you guys are hacking at the LO code, it would be nice to consider
> the suggestions outlined here:
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-bugs/2004-07/msg00143.php

Included from that message for easier reference:

> 0) In "Oid lo_creat(PGconn *conn, int mode)," why is there a mode on
> lo_create? The mode is determined when the object is lo_open()ed, right?

I think the docs basically said it is a vestigial feature, it used to be
useful but the code evolved in such a way that it ceased being useful.  It
is probably still there to allow old code to continue to compile against
newer servers without being recompiled.

> 1) There is no lo_truncate(PGconn *conn, int fd, off_t len).

Did not notice that one.  That is a good one to add if adding functions is
in the cards.  I bet when the person/people who are attempting to write to
this api here get far enough, they would have noticed that too ;)

> 2) There is no lo_length(PGconn *conn, int fd).

We did notice this one however.  There is also no lo_stat(PGconn *conn,
Oid lobjId).  I have been thinking about implementing these two.

I think I will make a revision of the patch at some point with these.  The
size ones will be extremely easy, the functionality is already there, just
a matter of exposing it.  The truncate is not too difficult, but actually
requires me to think a little more ;)

When does summertime come to Minnesota, you ask?  Well, last year, I
think it was a Tuesday.

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