On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 10:08:11AM +0100, Dave Page wrote:
> Looks like there more unprotable code in the recent changes to pgbench
> :-(

Here, the culprits are tfind() and tsearch().  These apparently aren't
"portable enough", but they seem to exist on all other platforms.  Maybe
we could come up with a replacement on Windows?  Are there simple
btree/hash table functions on Windows, with a similar API?

Alvaro Herrera                         Architect, http://www.EnterpriseDB.com
La web junta la gente porque no importa que clase de mutante sexual seas,
tienes millones de posibles parejas. Pon "buscar gente que tengan sexo con
ciervos incendiándose", y el computador dirá "especifique el tipo de ciervo"
(Jason Alexander)

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