On Wed, 2005-10-05 at 12:14 -0400, Ron Peacetree wrote:
> I've now gotten verification from multiple working DBA's that DB2, Oracle, and
> SQL Server can achieve ~250MBps ASTR (with as much as ~500MBps ASTR in
> setups akin to Oracle RAC) when attached to a decent (not outrageous, but
> decent) HD subsystem...
> I've not yet had any RW DBA verify Jeff Baker's supposition that ~1GBps ASTR 
> is
> attainable.  Cache based bursts that high, yes.  ASTR, no.

I find your tone annoying.  That you do not have access to this level of
hardware proves nothing, other than pointing out that your repeated
emails on this list are based on supposition.

If you want 1GB/sec STR you need:

1) 1 or more Itanium CPUs
2) 24 or more disks
3) 2 or more SATA controllers
4) Linux

Have fun.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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