On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 18:44:50 +0100
Simon Riggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 13:32 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> > I wrote:
> > > Another thought came to mind: maybe the current data layout for LWLocks
> > > is bad.  Right now, the spinlock that protects each LWLock data struct
> > > is itself part of the struct, and since the structs aren't large (circa
> > > 20 bytes), the whole thing is usually all in the same cache line. ...
> > > Maybe it'd be better to allocate the spinlocks off by themselves.
> > 
> > Well, this is odd.  I made up a patch to do this (attached) and found
> > that it pretty much sucks.  Still the 4-way Opteron, previous best
> > (slock-no-cmpb and spin-delay-2):
> >     1 31s   2 42s   4 51s   8 100s
> > with lwlock-separate added:
> >     1 31s   2 52s   4 106s  8 213s
> > 
> > What I had expected to see was a penalty in the single-thread case (due
> > to instructions added to the LWLock functions), but there isn't any.
> > I did not expect to see a factor-of-2 penalty for four threads.
> > 
> > I guess what this means is that there's no real problem with losing the
> > cache line while manipulating the LWLock, which is what the patch was
> > intended to prevent.  Instead, we're paying for swapping two cache lines
> > (the spinlock and the LWLock) across processors instead of just one line.
> > But that should at worst be a 2x inflation of the time previously spent
> > in LWLockAcquire/Release, which is surely not yet all of the application
> > ;-).  Why the heck is this so bad?  
> (Just going back through the whole thread for completeness.)
> > Should we expect that apparently
> > minor changes in shared data structures might be costing equivalently
> > huge penalties in SMP performance elsewhere?
> Yes. That's the advice from Intel and AMD; but we should add that there
> is potential for improving performance also.
> The possible problem we were trying to avoid here was false sharing of
> the cache line by lock requestors of locks whose spin locks were
> adjacent in memory.
> Splitting the data structure was just one of the possible ways of
> avoiding that. The above shows that the possible solution described
> above didn't work, but there could be others.
> One thing we tried in February was padding out the statically defined
> locks with dummy lock definitions in the enum. This has the effect of
> ensuring that the most contested locks are very definitely in their own
> cache line and not shared with others.
> That showed a noticeable improvement in performance, probably because it
> costs very little to implement, even if the code would require some
> explanatory documentation. 
> The lwlock structure in include/storage/lwlock.h looks like
> typedef enum LWLockId
> {
>       BufMappingLock,
>       BufFreelistLock,
>       LockMgrLock,
>       OidGenLock,
>       XidGenLock,
>       ProcArrayLock,
>       SInvalLock,
>       FreeSpaceLock,
>       WALInsertLock,
>       WALWriteLock,
>       ...
> Notice that the heavily contested locks (i.e. first 3 and the WAL locks)
> are adjacent to at least one other heavily contested lock. So they are
> certain to be in the same cache line and therefore to cause false
> sharing (on all CPU types, not just Intel and AMD (ref: Manufacturer's
> optimization handbooks).
> This could be replaced by...
> typedef enum LWLockId
> {
>       BufMappingLock,
>       BufMappingLock_Padding1,
>       BufMappingLock_Padding2,
>       BufMappingLock_Padding3,
>       BufMappingLock_Padding4,
>       BufMappingLock_Padding5,
>       BufMappingLock_Padding6,
>       BufMappingLock_Padding7,
>       BufFreelistLock,
>       BufFreelistLock_Padding1,
>       BufFreelistLock_Padding2,
>       BufFreelistLock_Padding3,
>       BufFreelistLock_Padding4,
>       BufFreelistLock_Padding5,
>       BufFreelistLock_Padding6,
>       BufFreelistLock_Padding7,
>       LockMgrLock,
>       LockMgrLock_Padding1,
>       LockMgrLock_Padding2,
>       LockMgrLock_Padding3,
>       LockMgrLock_Padding4,
>       LockMgrLock_Padding5,
>       LockMgrLock_Padding6,
>       LockMgrLock_Padding7,
>       OidGenLock,
>       XidGenLock,
>       ProcArrayLock,
>       SInvalLock,
>       FreeSpaceLock,
>       WALInsertLock,
>       WALInsertLock_Padding1,
>       WALInsertLock_Padding2,
>       WALInsertLock_Padding3,
>       WALInsertLock_Padding4,
>       WALInsertLock_Padding5,
>       WALInsertLock_Padding6,
>       WALInsertLock_Padding7,
>       WALWriteLock,
>       WALWriteLock_Padding1,
>       WALWriteLock_Padding2,
>       WALWriteLock_Padding3,
>       WALWriteLock_Padding4,
>       WALWriteLock_Padding5,
>       WALWriteLock_Padding6,
>       WALWriteLock_Padding7,
>       ...
> where the number of padding locks is determined by how many lock
> structures fit within a 128 byte cache line.
> This isn't exactly elegant coding, but it provides a useful improvement
> on an 8-way SMP box when run on 8.0 base. OK, lets be brutal: this looks
> pretty darn stupid. But it does follow the CPU optimization handbook
> advice and I did see a noticeable improvement in performance and a
> reduction in context switching.
> I'm not in a position to try this again now on 8.1beta, but I'd welcome
> a performance test result from anybody that is. I'll supply a patch
> against 8.1beta for anyone wanting to test this.

I'll take a patch.  I have a 4 processor (8core) POWER5 system just
about ready.


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