Hi all,

I sent out a message about this before, but for reasons beyond my control, I could not continue that thread.

Anyway, not only does the installer blow away libpq.dll, it also removes all the Open SSL dlls, this is even more troubling
because LOTS of other apps depend on OpenSSL.

This morning when I got to work I downloaded beta3 and uninstalled 8.03, then installed it (beta3) and of course did not select PG Admin III, then did a search for libpq.dll and it was gone, not sure if uninstalling 8.03 got rid of it or if installing 8.1 did the deed. I then went ahead and used a remote control app that uses open SSL, then I get "Can't load libeay32.dll"

So in conclusion either the installer or uninstaller is blowing away system DLLS without even asking me if I want to keep them, this is very bad behavior.



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